Lets talk about clocks!

Lets talk about clocks!
In every great superhero story there comes a moment when the clock is ticking down, it feels like all is lost, and the end is near. This is precisely when the protagonist & their companions dig deep, find hope, and conquer evil! This week we are highlighting games that pit you and your friends against the clock in order to overcome adversity to save the world. Tick-tock… are you up for the challenge?

Doom draws near but that doesn’t mean you can’t rebel against the dying light! In Arc: Doom Tabletop RPG you’ll work together with your party to defeat the Apocalypse. Sounds easy enough, right? Arc makes it easy for players to escape to a world filled with memorable, heart-racing tales. The Arc: Quick Start Guide makes it easy to dive into play. Playing on Role makes this gameplay easy by using the Clocks Function in our Creator Tool Sheet Templates. By sharing a template with a Doom Clock on it with the whole table, everyone can check in and witness the impending doom simultaneously.
Bonus: We Made Player Sheet Templates & Doom Sheet Templates!

In The Gadgeteer, you tell the story of a gadget-based superhero and their struggle against an evil tech conglomerate. Inspired by the Apocalypse World, This 10-Page $3 PDF is a great way to jump into a Cyberpunk Dystopian universe and because it features the Clock Mechanic, you’ll be able to use a shared Sheet Template for your table just like Arc. Bonus: We made Gadgeteer: Player Sheet Templates as well as a Gadgeteer: Clock Sheet!

Single Page RPG’s have been growing in popularity and Lasers and Feelings is a great place to start. The Shadowcaster’s Network created a 10-Minute Actual Play to show off what type of game Lasers and Feelings is. You can play the game for free and we put together a Player Sheet as well as a Host Template.

In an ever-expanding internet, finding the right Actual Play Podcasts for your taste can be a challenge, one that most people might not even be up for.
In our own journey to find content that we love, we discovered this article featuring 21 Great Actual Plays, covering some seriously entertaining podcasts like Super Idols RPG, Fun City, and Very Random Encounters.