Do you feel that, Treasure Hunter? The ominous rustling in the trees, the damp chill that lingers in your bones. You came here to this wild place in search of riches, perhaps even glory – but this forest does not want you. The shadows stare in threats of silence. You are being watched, counted, followed. Are you brave or fool, to be lost in such a place?

Trophy has arrived on Role!

In collaborating with The Gauntlet and Hedgemaze Press, we’re proud to unveil full support Trophy on Role! Enjoy bespoke game rooms for Trophy Dark and Trophy Gold, or set out on your own unique adventure with the rich lore of Trophy Loom. The forest is waiting…

Trophy Dark

Trophy Dark is a roleplaying game about a group of treasure-hunters entering a haunted forest that doesn’t want them there.

The game tells the story of the treasure-hunters’ physical and mental descent as they move deeper and deeper into the dangerous forest. Their journey ultimately brings them to ancient ruins that hold the treasure they seek, and the monstrous entities that dwell there. This is not a hopeful story of brave and daring adventurers that slay dragons and drag bags of gold back to town. This is a horror story of entitled pillagers meeting tragic ends.

Welcome to the world of Kalduhr. Welcome to the forest.

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Trophy Gold

Trophy Gold is a roleplaying game about a group of treasure-hunters entering the haunted and forgotten places of the world.

The game tells the story of the treasure-hunters’ obsessive drive to seek ever greater riches in a desperate bid to stay alive. Trophy Gold takes the collaborative, push-your-luck rules and rolls of its sister game, Trophy Dark, and blends them with the survive-by-your-wits mentality of old school fantasy games. Instead of the ever-increasing power that comes with leveling up found in other games, treasure-hunters in Trophy Gold remain fragile, meaning death is always just one bad roll away.

Welcome to the world of Kalduhr, where fortune favors the bold.

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Trophy Loom

Trophy Loom is a system-agnostic setting book for dark medieval fantasy roleplaying games, especially the games under the Trophy banner.

Unlike other rpg setting books you may be familiar with, you will not find detailed historical timelines or accurate city populations in Trophy Loom. Rather, this book consists mostly of random tables you can use to inspire you before or during a game session. These tables contain threads of detail that can be woven into an entire adventure, or can be stitched in to fill a gap when you need a name, monster, or location on short notice.

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Getting Started: Mörk Borg

Looking for something new and exciting to play? Curious how to get started with official games on Role? Just want a glimpse into another epic doom-metal setting for your next role playing campaign?

Check out this how-to video featuring our CEO Elle showcasing how easy it is to run any Mörk Borg game (including titles such as Vast Grimm, Soul Burner, and more) on Role!

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Product Updates

The work continues as we strive to improve the Role platform for all storyplayers and creators! This week’s updates include enhancements to Focus Mode, persistent room settings, and more. Read about it in our Change Log.

Thanks for adventuring on Role! As always…

You Can Play With us!

– The Role Team <3