We’ve all been there: That feeling when you open the die roller, only to find that it doesn’t support the game you want to play. That feeling when you have a great adventure to run, but no GM to run it for you. That feeling when you want something new to play, but don’t know where to start…

If any of these problems sound familiar, then this week’s update is for you!

Dice Colors Are Here

Today is a colorful day indeed: Dice Colors are now live on Role!

Expand your gaming options with colored dice to support a wider range of unique systems. Choose from 7 different color choices when you roll. Add colors to dice pool elements on your sheets – including templates you create in the Role Builder! If your favorite game requires unique colored dice – you can now play without compromise on Role.

In addition, we’ve also updated how dice results display in a room! No more tiny numbers crunched into the top corner of the screen – now each player’s die results show up directly on their video tile, so you always know exactly who rolled what.

Hire a Pro GM: Role + Start Playing Games

Looking to start your next adventure, but need someone to run it? Are you new to TTRPGs and just want help getting started? Perhaps you have a great group who just wants to level up their story gaming?

In partnership with Start Playing Games, we’re excited to announced the Role Official Game Master program! 

Our growing list of affiliate GMs are ready and waiting to run your next great game on Role. Check them out and sign up today!

Zine Month 2023

It’s February, and that means Zine Month is here! Check out all the amazing, innovative, accessible games being created and shared across the TTRPG community. 

Are you a Zine creator publishing something this month? We want to help! Check out our special Zine Month creators form and submit your games today.

We look forward to hearing about new games, new friends, and new adventures you have on Role! As always…

You Can Play With Us!

-The Role Team <3